
class BIDSPathGenerator(root_dir)

Bases: object

Generate BIDS paths for a given root directory.


Create a new BIDSPathGenerator.


root_dir (str) – The root directory of the BIDS dataset.



Create a new BIDSPathGenerator.

select_paths([subjects, sessions, tasks, ...])

Select BIDS paths for a given set of parameters.

select_paths(subjects=None, sessions=None, tasks=None, runs=None, extensions='eeg', suffix='bdf')

Select BIDS paths for a given set of parameters.

  • subjects (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]) – The subjects to select. When None, all subjects are selected. When a string, only the subject with the given name is selected. When a sequence of strings, all subjects with the given names are selected.

  • sessions (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]) – The sessions to select. When None, all sessions are selected. When a string, only the session with the given name is selected. When a sequence of strings, all sessions with the given names are selected.

  • tasks (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]) – The tasks to select. When None, all tasks are selected. When a string, only the task with the given name is selected. When a sequence of strings, all tasks with the given names are selected.

  • runs (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]) – The runs to select. When None, all runs are selected. When a string, only the run with the given name is selected. When a sequence of strings, all runs with the given names are selected.

  • extensions (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]) – The extensions to select. When None, all extensions are selected. When a string, only the extension with the given name is selected. When a sequence of strings, all extensions with the given names are selected.

  • suffix (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]) – The suffixes to select. When None, all suffixes are selected. When a string, only the suffix with the given name is selected. When a sequence of strings, all suffixes with the given names are selected.


A list of paths that match the given parameters.

Return type:
