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Basic concepts

Creating experiment files

Grouping experiment files

Schema documentation



Example strategies

Result analysis

SPIN interface

L34 device








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Preparing a release version of APEX

The release script and this guide was made for linux. Furthermore Oxygen should be installed to generate the schema documentation.

To release the binaries you’ll also need access to the webserver and jenkins.

Code changes when releasing

Minor version change

The linux-new-version.sh script makes all the needed changes to the worktree, it will:

tools/linux-new-version.sh --oxygen path/to/oxygen/directory

The changes will still need to be committed. Start in apex-documentation-schemas, which is a submodule of apex-documentation. Then commit the updated submodule to apex-documentation. As a final step commit the documentation submodule together with the changes made in the Apex root project.

Make a tag so it’s clear which code is released under the new version number with:

git tag x.x.x
git push origin x.x.x
git ls-remote --tags origin (to review remote tags)

Major version change

When increasing a major version, some more manual work will be required. The following will need to be updated:

Publishing artefacts

Binaries should be published for Windows and Android. Do this after the changes have been committed and a master build has been completed.


Copy the installer from the network drive to /var/www/apex/download. On the webserver do:

cp /mnt/x/projects_0013/apex_0003/x.x/yyyy-mm-dd_HH-MM/apex_x.x.x.msi /var/www/apex/download

Then add a link on the downloads page (/var/www/apex/register/downloads.html) to the new installer.


To publish a new Android version to the F-Droid repository, trigger the apex-publish-to-fdroid project on jenkins with the parameter release. It’s best to do this right after the master build for the Windows binaries as it will publish the latest apk built by the master build. When successful the apk will be available to devices using fdroid.


Copy the xsd files from your local working directory to the webserver so they are available through http. From your local apex worktree do:

rsync -r data/schemas/*.xsd username@exporl-ssh.med.kuleuven.be:/var/www/apex/schemas/x.x.x

Github code dump

As APEX is open source, the code is uploaded to github with each release. This is a simple code dump without git history and without submodules. Note that the content of the submodules should be committed, just the .gitmodules file and the .git folders in each of the submodules should not be committed.

Copy all the files (with exception of the .git folder) from your APEX gerrit clone to an APEX github clone, and commit. It’s advised to git clean -fxd in your APEX gerrit clone before copying to make sure no binaries or unnecessary files get copied. The result should be similar to this:

git clean -fxd
git submodule foreach git clean -fxd
find -type f -not -path "*/.git/*" \
    -and -not -path "*/.git" \
    -and -not -path "*.gitmodules" \
    -exec \
    cp -f --parents {} /path/to/your/apex/github/clone \;